Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks,and look well to thy herds. Proverbs 27:23 KJV
Redstone Sirius Flyboy
Barn Name: Flyboy
DOB: 6-09-2023
Color: Buckskin with Frosting
ADGA & AGS Registered
Sire: Redstone Joyride Sirius
SS: Redstone Joyride *B
SSS: Redstone C Starship Trooper +B
( Poppy Patch FV Caliente +++ 81 X SG Redstone SF Dark Star 4*M AR VEEE92 *ELITE)
SSD: Redstone DHRV Rayna James 7*M AR VVV+ 86
(Redstone Dhruva +*B X Redstone Visions of Johanna 6*M V+VA 82)
SD: SG Redstone Pony Bellatrix 5*M VEVV 87 *ELITE
SDS: Redstone Pony Boy
(Redstone Dhruva +*B X SG On Firestone Creek H Jody Girl VEEE 90)
SDD: SG Redstone SF Dark Star 4*M AR VEEE 92 *ELITE
(SG Piddlin ACres BBT Sunfire VEV 87 X SG DesertNanny BR Estrella 3*M AR VEEV 89)
Dam: SG Redstone Rosie The Riveter 8*M VEEE 88
DS: Redstone C Starship Trooper +B
DSS: Poppy Patch FV Caliente +++ 81
(Poppy Patch HB Funny Valentine X Poppy patch CM Catalina)
DSD:SG Redstone SF Dark Star 4*M AR VEEE 92 *ELITE
(SG Piddlin ACres BBT Sunfire VEV 87 X SG DesertNanny BR Estrella 3*M AR VEEV 89)
DD: Redstone DHRV Rayna James 7*M AR VVV+ 86
DDS: Redstone Dhruva +*B
(Redstone SLV Hanuman X SG DesertNanny BR Estrella 3*M AR VEEV 89)
DDD: Redstone Visions Of Johanna 6*M V+VA 82
( Flat Rock's Smoke And Mirrors X Redstone SF Isis VVVV 87)