Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks,and look well to thy herds. Proverbs 27:23 KJV
Dair-E-Does P Sherman 42
Barn Name: Sherman
DOB: 11-28-2022
Color: Red with White Ears, Topknot, and Muzzle
ADGA & AGS Registered
Sire: Silverfire Psych On Leverage
SS: GCH Hoanbu PB Let Me Lead *B VEV 89 EX 90
SSS: SGCH J&R Spirit's Dakota Playboy +*B EEV 90
( M's Sagebrush-Acres Dakota ++B X SGCH J&R Spirit's DK Kovergirl 2*M EEEE92 EX 92 2009 National RGCH & Best Udder)
SSD: GCH Hoanbu EXOD Moon Dance 3*M VVEE 90 EX 90
(SG Lakeshore EX Summer Exodus -2nd Place Sr Get of Sire 2010 Nationals
X SGCH Hoanbu Misty Moonlight 2*M EEEE 92 EX 92)
SD: Chigger-Hill AIM Bella Rosa EEEV 90
SDS: Lakeshore PS Perfect Aim EEE 91
(Lakeshore DL Perfect Storm VEE 90 X SGCH Lakeshore-Farms Dandy Tangaroo VVEE 90)
SDD: CH Chigger-Hill KJ Orchid
( Moore's-Meadow Kansas Judge X CH Chigger-Hill SH Buttercup)
Dam: Dair-E-Does Kam's Gergie VVGV 86
DS: 4-Ever-R's Kameron
DSS: Kastdemur's Charismatictribute VEV 89
(SGCH J&R Spirit's Dakota Playboy +*B EEV 90 X SGCH Kastdemur's Temerity EEEE 93)
DSD: 4_Ever-R's Easel VVVV 87
(Kastdemur's Charismatictribute VEV 89 X 4-Ever-R's Calico)
DD: Buttercup Acres Gypsy Queen EVVE 90
DDS: Pruittvill's Logan Berry EEE 91
(Blissberry Mr. Goodbar VVE 88 X SGCH Pruittvill's N/E Razzberry VEVE 90)
DDD: Buttercup Acres KK Truffles VEEE 89
(Lakeshore QM Kingston VEE 88 X SG Buttercup Acres Extreme Karmal EEEE 92)
Links to Websites for Animals in Sherman's Pedigree
Hoanbu Dairy Goats -
Picture Courtesy Of Dair-E-Does Nubians
Sire: Silverfire Psych On Leverage
Picture Courtesy Of Hoanbu Dairy Goats
SS: GCH Hoanbu PB Let Me Lead AI *B
VEV 89 EX 90
Picture Courtesy Of Lakeshore Farms Purebred Nubians
SSS: SGCH J&R Spirit's Dakota Playboy +*B EEV 90
( M's-Sagebrush-Acres Dakota ++B X
SGCH J&R Spirit's DK Kovergirl 2*M EEEE 92 EX 91
2009 National RGCH & Best Udder)
Picture Courtesy Of Hoanbu Dairy Goats
SSD: GCH Hoanbu EXOD Moon Dance 3*M VVEE 90 EX 90
( SG Lakeshore EX Summer Exodus +*B -2nd Place SR Get Of Sire 2010 Nationals X SGCH Hoanbu Status Misty Moonlight 2*M EEEE 92 EX 92
Picture Courtesy Of Silverfire Ranch
SD: Chigger-Hill AIM Bella Rosa EEEV 90
Picture Courtesy Of Sherrie Burks
SDS: Lakeshore PS Perfect Aim EEE 91
( Lakeshore DL Perfect Storm VEE 90
X SGCH Lakeshore-Farms Dandy Tangaroo VVEE 90)
Picture Courtesy Of Chigger-Hill Nubians
SDD: CH Chigger-Hill KJ Orchid
( Moore's-Meadow Kansas Judge
X CH Chigger-Hill SH Buttercup)
Picture Courtesy Of Dair-E-Does Nubians
Dam: Dair-E-Does Kam's Gergie VVGV 86
Picture Courtesy Of 4-Ever-R's Dairy Goats
DS: 4-Ever-R's Kameron
Picture Courtesy Of 4-Ever-R's Dairy Goats
DSS: Kastdemur's Charismatictribute VEV 89
(SGCH J&R Spirit's Dakota Playboy +*B EEV 90 X SGCH Kastdemur's Temerity EEEE 93
Picture Courtesy Of 4-Ever-R's Dairy Goats
DSD: 4-Ever-R's Easel VVVV 87
(Kastdemur's CharismatictributeVEV 89
X 4-Ever-R's Calico)
Picture Courtesy Of Dair-E-Does Nubians
DD: Buttercup Acres Gypsy Queen EVVE 90
Picture Courtesy Of Buttercup Acres
& Noodleville Farm
DDS: Pruittville's Logan Berry EEE 91
(Blissberry Mr. Goodbar VVE 88
X SGCH Pruittvill'es N/E Razzberry VEVE 90)
Picture Courtesy Of Dair-E-Does Nubians
DDD: Buttercup Acres KK Truffles VEEE 89
(Lakeshore QM Kingston VEE 88
X SG Buttercup Acres Extreme Karmal EEEE 92)